Resources and links


Varda Bondy and A Le Sueur (2012), ‘Designing redress: a study about grievances against public bodies’, Public Law Project

Varda Bondy, Margaret Doyle, Maurice Sunkin (2018), A Research Roadmap for Administrative Justice

Carol Brennan, N Creutzfeldt, C Gill, C Hirst (2015), “Designing Consumer Redress: Making Redress Accessible for Consumer-Citizens“, Policy Brief, Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Steve Brooker (2008), “Lessons from Ombudsmania”, National Consumer Council

Trevor Buck, R Kirkham, B Thompson (2011), The Ombudsman Enterprise and Administrative Justice, Ashgate

Naomi Creutzfeldt (2018), ‘Ombudsmen and ADR: A Comparative Study of Informal Justice in Europe‘, Palgrave Macmillan

Naomi Creutzfeldt (2013), ‘Trusting the Middle Man: Impact and Legitimacy of Ombudsmen in Europe

Naomi Creutzfeldt and C Gill (2014), “The Impact and Legitimacy of Ombudsman and ADR Schemes in the UK“, Policy Brief, Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Helen Dewdney and M Williamson (2017), “Ombudsman Omnishambles: Failings in Oversight

Margaret Doyle (2003), “The Use of ADR in Ombudsman Processes: Results of a survey of British and Irish Ombudsman Association members

Margaret Doyle, Varda Bondy, and Carolyn Hirst (2014), “The use of informal resolution by ombudsmen in the UK: a mapping study“, Presentation on initial findings at Wolfson College, Oxford, for a conference on The Impact and Legitimacy of Ombudsman and ADR Schemes in the UK

Economic Insight (2014), ‘A business case for good complaint handling’, research for the Legal Ombudsman

Sharon Gilad (2008), ‘Accountability or expectations management? The role of the ombudsman in financial regulation’, Law and Policy 30/2: 227-53

Chris Gill, J Williams, C Brennan and C Hirst (2014), “Models of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): A report for the Legal Ombudsman“, Queen Margaret University

Chris Gill, J Williams, C Brennan, and N O’Brien (2013), ‘The future of ombudsman schemes: drivers for change and strategic responses’, a report for the Legal Ombudsman, Queen Margaret University

Marc Hertogh and Richard Kirkham (2018), Research Handbook on The Ombudsman, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Chris Hodges, I Benhor, N Creutzfeldt-Banda (2012), Civil Justice systems: Consumer ADR in Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing

Elaine Kempson et al (2004), ‘Fair and Reasonable: An assessment of the Financial Ombudsman Service’, Financial Ombudsman Service

Richard Kirkham and P Wells (2014), “The Ombudsman, Tribunals and Administrative Justice Section: Evolving standards in the complaints branch”, Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.190–207

Legal Services Consumer Panel (2013), ‘Benchmarking the Legal Ombudsman’,

Jane Martin (2012), ‘Austerity, public policy and politics – implications for fettering the discretion of the Ombudsman to investigate complaints’, IOI

Nick O’Brien and M Seneviratne (2017), Ombudsmen at the Crossroads: The Legal Services Ombudsman, Dispute Resolution and Democratic Accountability, Palgrave Macmillan

Nick O’Brien (2015), ‘Human rights: the ombudsman’s natural habitat’, UK Administrative Justice Institute,

Nick O’Brien (2015), ‘The ombudsman as democratic ‘alternative’: Reading the EU Consumer ADR Directive in the light of the PASC reports’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, DOI: 10.1080/09649069.2015.1028162

Patients Association (2015), “The ‘People’s’ Ombudsman: How it failed us”’Peoples’%20Ombudsman%20-%20How%20it%20Failed%20us%20Final.pdf

Police Ombudsman Northern Ireland (2009), ‘Pilot mediation project report September 2008 – March 2009’, available at:

Mary Seneviratne (2000), “Ombudsman 2000”, professorial inaugural lecture, Nottingham Law Journal

Lewis Shand Smith and Nial Vivian (2014), “Harmonizing the Ombudsman Landscape“, Policy Brief, Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Richard Thomas, J. Martin, R. Kirkham (2013), External evaluation of the Local Government Ombudsman in England’, Local Government Ombudsman

Brian Thompson (2012), ‘Must Ombudsmen Retain Remit over Privatised Services?’, IOI Conference Paper (2012)

Peter Tyndall (2012), ‘The Ombudsman and the Changing Face of Public Services’ IOI Conference Paper

Marcus Williamson and Helen Dewdney (2018), More Ombudsman Omnishambles: The UK ADR landscape 20 months on…,Report

Marcus Williamson and Helen Dewdney, (2016), Ombudsman Omnishambles: Serious unresolved issues affecting the operation of the ombudsman ADR system in the UK, Report


Nuffield Foundation

Ombudsman Association

UK Administrative Justice Institute

Administrative Justice Council

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